This brand was started because of our football addiction and off course we believe we can add some nice products for all footballfans around the world. 

And what we not expected....happened. Because of you guys. 

We could not believe we already shipped to all countries below. The months stands for when we had our first sales....

1. Netherlands - June 2016 
2. Belgium - July 2016
3. Zweden June 2016 
4. Tsjechië – July 2016 
5. Germany - November 2016
6. Switzerland – Januari 2017
7. Denmark - Februari 2017
8, England – March 2017
9. Italia – April 2017
10. Austria – August 2017
11. Spain - September 2017
12. Australia - September 2017
13. Norway - September 2017
14. Portugal - November 2017
15. Finland - December 2017
16. France - Februari 2018
17. Japan – February 2018

Is your country not at this list....please buy something :).